“The performance of our showroom had always been exceptional, but we felt if there was a way to do it better, we should,” Rabani explains. “Everything from the color of the wall paint and style of seating to the processors, speakers and sources were scrutinized and evaluated. We knew it was time to raise the bar with the right design, the right products, and the right sales approach. Our new QAV Theater Reimagined experience embodies this commitment to excellence, offering an unparalleled level of immersion and quality for our customers.”

Rabani admits StormAudio, a global leader in high-quality, innovative and immersive sound processors and amplifiers, wasn’t initially on QAV’s remodeling radar. “We weren’t familiar with the brand; however, it came highly recommended by a top-tier acoustician, so we decided to integrate the ISP Elite 24 Analog MK3 processor into our comprehensive AV plan.”